At Totteridge and Whatstone osteopathic clinic we are able to treat all age groups and a wide variety of conditions.
Muscular Skeletal and neurological Pain;
Back & Limb pain, Strains, Sprains, Joint pain and Sciatica
Stiffness & Restriction & Pain due to Arthritic changes
Work, Sport and Leisure injuries;
Postural pain, Repetitive strains & Trauma
Respiratory Problems;
Asthma and Shortness of breath
Head aches & Migraines;
Sinus pain, stress, postural and tension problems
Digestive Disorders;
Reflux, Hiatus hernia, IBS, Constipation
Obstetric and Gynaecological symptoms;
Menstrual disturbance and pain, and issues arising from and related to pregnancy
Cardiovascular disorders;
High & Low Blood Pressure
Babies ;
Colic, Hyperactivity, Feeding & sleeping Problems
Cranial Sacral;
See "Cranial Osteopathy" Section